Joseph Burkes MD
6 min readSep 15, 2021





J. Burkes MD 2016, edited 2020

Wild speculation and unjustified assertions concerning alleged ET technology are constants among UFO fans. One notion states that so-called aliens have “trans-dimensional” technology. I believe according to this “theory” no factories are required to build the hundreds of diverse types of “craft” observed by witnesses because “ETs” exist in non-material realms (dimensions) where they can transform thought forms directly into material objects.

Visual Displays Versus Hardware

I prefer a different speculative explanation. I suspect that many flying saucer sightings are not of physical objects. Instead, they are illusory visual displays that are perhaps holographic like in nature. Either explanation, holographic or trans-dimensional precludes the need for a massive “alien” industrial base to build and repair the diverse types of UFOs that witnesses are reporting.

Are Flying Saucers Alive?

Another unproven assertion is that flying saucers are alive and self-repairing. This was a sub theme of the 1994 TV movie “Official Denial.” In one dramatic scene, soldiers observe a large gapping whole in the wall of a downed alien craft. Sometime later, the craft repairs itself the hole as if it were alive.

So where do such popular bizarre theories come from? Some have become the themes of science fiction movies that reinforce what are viewed as improbable assertions about the alleged ETs. Some beliefs, however, may result from personal contact experiences with a non-human intelligence associated with UFO phenomenon. I believe I had such personal contact experiences.

Contact Downloads

For several years during the 1990s, I had recurrent anomalous experiences that fit into a pattern of what has been called “contact downloads” by UFO experiencers. While resting quietly, or during meditation I had a series of what can be described as “awake dreams.” In those “dreams”, complex abstract thoughts were combined with mental imagery that told stories about the contact drama that I believed I was part of.

Verification is Seldom Available

Of course, the information that I received was almost totally unverifiable except for two special occasions. In those, while doing fieldwork with my CE-5 team, I was mentally “informed” of the time, location in the sky, and the number of UFOs that were to appear at our sky-watch sites. The details of the sightings that subsequently occurred those two nights accurately matched the prior information that I had received as a kind of “heads up.”

Embedded In the Wall of a Flying Saucer

During one of my “contact downloads”(I believe this could be labelled a form of channeling), I felt as if I was fused into the wall of a saucer in orbit hundreds of miles above the Earth’s surface. In this dream like state, I had a telepathic conversation with the artificial intelligence (AI) controlling the craft that was itself alive. My being a contactee, it is not surprising that it was a friendly “conversation.”

Not for a moment do I believe that I had an “out of body” communion with a living flying saucer. Perhaps, it was nothing more than a wish dream of my own creation. I doubt this; however, more likely I suspect that these “downloads” were theater of the mind co-creations between UFO Intel and me. I imagine that these anomalous experiences were staged for instructional purposes by a non-human intelligence that experiencers currently call “ET.” In a similar vein, I believe many so-called “alien abductions” are mostly mental theater productions with some physical components as well. Naturally there is no proof that I was in touch with an alien AI while I envisioned myself being embedded in the wall of an ET craft.

Skepticism Is a Healthy Approach

In general, I think it is a good idea for all UFO experiencers and researchers to be similarly skeptical of such apparent communications. As a contactee, I imagine that no matter how emotionally compelling or beautiful these “downloads” appear to us, we should be steadfast in our skepticism.

According to the famous author of the paranormal John Keel, flying saucers are in the “belief business” and are deliberately deceptive as to what they truly are. Does such deception prove evil intents? In my judgment, it does not. The messages may not be accurate because of the enormous gulf between their advanced cultures and our more primitive level of consciousness and behavior.

Contact Downloads Are of Great Importance

Deceptive or not, such contact experiences represent in my opinion interspecies’ communication and therefore are significant. Their interactions with us and the messages that we receive, I would like to believe are part of a plan for the benefit of mankind. But this notion is not necessarily one based on accurate information and objective analysis. My upbeat perspective is more an expression of human hope rather than one dictated by cold sober reason.

· Addendum:

· Joseph Burkes When discussing the acquisition of advanced “off planet” technology I have come to the following assessment:
Given our low level of scientific and more importantly spiritual development, we will be unable to learn the secrets of the saucers anytime soon. I also believe spiritual development is more important than scientific development. In my view, nothing short of a radical expansion of human consciousness will be the key to acquiring knowledge about the craft and the beings associated with them. This is because their material science is so far advanced that even with the analysis of fragments from crashed saucers, i.e., the so called “meta materials”, people like Dr. Hal Puthoff have admitted that we have no capability to reproduce the engineering.

But when it comes to open communication with the beings, it is a different situation entirely. From my experience as an activist in the contactee subculture, flying saucer intelligences consistently communicate and interact with teams of contact workers in a number of networks. In primarily English-speaking countries, they are called “CE-5ers”. In Latin America, there is Mission Rahma. In my judgment, all these groups are attempting to embrace the concept and practice of oneness (i.e., love) as a way of bridging the enormous gulf between humanity and the non-human intelligences associated with flying saucers. Thus, spiritual development holds the promise of increasing mutual trust and creating a basis for a broader cultural exchange. It is conceivable, although in no way is it certain, that such increased cooperation might even facilitate downloading UFO science into our technological culture. This, in my opinion, would also require radical reforms of terrestrial society to prevent such advances from being weaponized.

In a sense, this is already happening in a very primitive form. Many contactees have described receiving what have been called “contact downloads” that involve their receiving mathematical formulas that are typically beyond their comprehension. This seems nonsensical as a method of communication on face value. Why should this otherness that experiencers call “ET” bewilder witnesses so?

Perhaps, it is a way of advertising what we might receive in the future. If we evolve spiritually and reform Earth civilization sufficiently, then the so-called ETs might be willing provide advanced technical information to contactees with the necessary scientific knowledge to comprehend the communications. Spiritual development on an individual level, however, is insufficient to allow direct and open relations with ETs.

As long as our civilization is dominated by the rich and powerful, that are forever seeking to promote conflict as a way to control the masses, direct and open communication between our planet and the alleged “aliens” in my judgment is going to be impossible. Under current terrestrial conditions, most if not all technical advances will reinforce the existing ego-based institutions that have profit for the few as their principal goal. Only by creating an Earth civilization based on social and environmental justice, in which sisterhood and brotherhood made large is the guiding principle, can we ever hope to have direct relations with what will likely turn out to be an array of non-human intelligences interacting with humanity.



Joseph Burkes MD

I am a lifelong volunteer peace and social justice activist as well as a retired internal medicine physician.